The heat certainly feels like summer, but with all the rain it still seems like spring. There's been a lot going on at the school this summer. The custodians have been painting and cleaning and getting the buildings ready for the first day of school. Some of the teachers have been busy as well.
On June 18th and 19th, forty staff members joined the building principals and myself to attend the Technology in the Classroom Conference in Dubuque. This was sponsored by Keystone AEA and Mississippi Bend AEA. A lot of people think teachers are taking time off and relaxing in the summer. Actually, it's common for a number of teachers to attend classes or conferences to improve their skills for the next school year. With the large investment the district has been making in technology with the 1 to 1 initiative in the fall at the middle school and the other infrastructure improvements we've made, I invited the teachers to attend this conference.
While attending the conference, we had the opportunity to attend many sessions on a variety of topics. Some examples include; 3D printing, the use of gamification in schools, using IPADS in the classroom, and paperless grading to name a few. None of these staff members had to go, but they were willing to put in the time to improve their skills to provide a better learning opportunity for our students.
Here's a link to the conference agenda, if you want to check out the many sessions that were available. Be on the look out as the district will be having it's own Facebook Page starting in Early July. Check here and on the district website for more information as the launch date gets closer. Thanks for stopping by.