Today was the first day back for all teachers in the New Hampton School District. We started our day with breakfast in the middle school cafeteria. Thanks to the members of the New Hampton Chamber of Commerce who served the meal for us. It was also good to meet some of the staff from St. Joseph's School who attended the breakfast. It was good to finally get the year off and started. The teachers spent a large part of today in meetings and a little time getting their rooms ready for their students. They're working hard learning the new policies and procedures for this year and also making sure that everything is just right in their classrooms for the students' first day.
Speaking of first days, I want to take a moment to talk about a few things. First, please take time to talk with your child about safety when walking to and from school. Make sure they know to cross at the cross walks and what they should do if they are approached by a stranger. In addition, when you are dropping your child off at school, please take your time and make sure you are aware of all of the students in the immediate vicinity of where you are driving. If you come upon a school bus, please be prepared to stop. Remember, it's against the law in Iowa to pass a bus from the rear when it's AMBER lights are flashing. In addition, if you come upon a bus from the front with it's AMBER lights flashing you should slow down to 20 mph and prepare to stop when the lights turn red. Here's a website with more information. Our student's safety is a primary concern of our district.
I also want to take a few moments to talk about some changes in the school lunch program this year. The National School Lunch Program has issued new guidelines that will affect every school that serves meals. In a nutshell there will be a larger emphasis on fruits and vegetables and a smaller emphasis on other food groups. Here's a picture of a school lunch tray to visually explain the new guidelines.
As you can see vegetables are now in the spot where we normally find the main item which was often a meat or protein item. Notice those are now in one of the smallest spots on the tray. This will be a change for your child, so please take some time to discuss this with them. In addition, encourage them to try some of the new items that may be presented to them this year. They may never know what they may like if they don't try it. Here are several videos that further explain the new program.
Here's a video geared for students in Grades K-5
Here's a video geared for students in Grades 6-8
Here's a video geared for students in Grades 9-12
Here's a video designed to explain more to parents and other adults
If you have any questions on the school lunch program, please feel free to contact Jodi Hollister at the high school for more information. The end result of all of this is to help our students make healthier choices related to food. Enjoy the rest of your week, school will be here in a couple of days.